Hello, My name is Apiwit prasittikarnkul. You can call me Yoseph or Yo.
Graduated from Kasetsart University, with a Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering. I am junior frontend developer who have interest in using and improving my skill to develop a simple yet beautiful website in a various way.
React | GoJS | Tailwind CSS
An online circuit diagram maker develop using React and GoJS with a purpose of learning tool in the pandemic state. The purpose of the project is to make user experience as close as possible to an actual circuit connection in the classroom With more realistic IC component.
JSP | HTML | Tailwind CSS
A practice project in Web IR subject. A search engine about Thai food. With a custom web crawler made for crawling some Thai food-related website as a database. The project has been done in JSP host locally with Apache Tomcat. And the frontend page has been done in HTML with a help of Tailwind CSS.